Day 69 - Meta-Arguments in Terraform

Day 69 - Meta-Arguments in Terraform

In the world of infrastructure as code (IaC), Terraform stands out as a robust and versatile tool for managing and provisioning cloud resources. While writing Terraform configurations, you might often find yourself needing to create multiple instances of the same resource. Thankfully, Terraform provides elegant solutions for this with the use of meta-arguments, particularly count and for_each. These meta-arguments help streamline your code, reduce redundancy, and improve maintainability. In this article, we'll delve into the world of meta-arguments in Terraform and explore their practical applications.

Understanding Meta-Arguments

When you define a resource block in Terraform, you are essentially specifying a blueprint for a single resource. However, in real-world scenarios, you often need to create multiple instances of the same resource, such as multiple virtual machines, databases, or storage accounts. This is where meta-arguments come into play.

Meta-arguments in Terraform are special parameters that modify the behavior of resource blocks. They enable you to dynamically manage multiple resources without duplicating code. The two most commonly used meta-arguments for this purpose are count and for_each.

Count: Efficient Resource Multiplication

The count meta-argument is a straightforward way to create a specified number of resource instances. It accepts a whole number as its value, determining how many instances of the resource should be created. Each instance has its own distinct infrastructure object associated with it, allowing you to manage them individually during Terraform's apply, destroy, or update processes.

Here’s a simple example:

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  count = 4

  ami           = "ami-08c40ec9ead489470"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${count.index}"

In this example, we use count to create four AWS EC2 instances with unique names based on the index. It's worth noting that the count.index variable starts from 0 and increments for each instance.

For_each: Dynamic Resource Multiplication

The for_each meta-argument takes resource multiplication to the next level. Instead of specifying the number of resources directly, it accepts a map or a set of strings. This is particularly useful when you need to create multiple resources with different configurations or attributes.

Let’s look at an example where we use for_each with a set of AMI IDs:

locals {
  ami_ids = toset([

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  for_each = local.ami_ids

  ami           = each.key
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${each.key}"

In this example, we create two AWS EC2 instances, each with a different AMI ID. The each.key variable allows us to reference the current element in the local.ami_ids set, enabling the creation of resources with distinct configurations.

Multiple Key-Value Iteration with For_each

The power of for_each becomes even more evident when working with complex data structures like maps. Consider an example where we define a map of AMI IDs for different server types:

locals {
  ami_ids = {
    "linux"  = "ami-0b0dcb5067f052a63",
    "ubuntu" = "ami-08c40ec9ead489470",

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  for_each = local.ami_ids

  ami           = each.value
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${each.key}"

Here, we create two AWS EC2 instances, each with a unique AMI ID, based on the keys and values in the local.ami_ids map. This powerful feature allows you to manage multiple resources with varying configurations efficiently.

Meta-Arguments in Action

Now that we’ve explored the concept of meta-arguments, let’s put them into action by creating an infrastructure as code (IaC) example using both count and for_each.

Task 01: Demonstrating the Use of Count and For_each

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 4.16"
  required_version = ">= 1.2.0"

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

resource "aws_instance" "server_count" {
  count = 4

  ami           = "ami-08c40ec9ead489470"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${count.index}"

locals {
  ami_ids = toset([    "ami-0b0dcb5067f052a63",    "ami-08c40ec9ead489470",  ])

resource "aws_instance" "server_for_each" {
  for_each = local.ami_ids

  ami           = each.key
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${each.key}"

In this example, we first create four AWS EC2 instances using count and then create two more instances using for_each with different AMI IDs. This showcases how meta-arguments in Terraform enable efficient resource multiplication while maintaining code clarity and simplicity.


Meta-arguments like count and for_each are essential tools in Terraform's arsenal for managing and provisioning infrastructure resources. They help streamline your IaC code, making it more concise, readable, and maintainable. By understanding and leveraging these meta-arguments, you can harness the full power of Terraform to efficiently manage your cloud infrastructure. So, the next time you find yourself needing multiple resources of the same kind, reach for count and for_each to simplify your Terraform configurations.