Day-46: Set up CloudWatch alarms and 
                                        SNS topic in AWS

Day-46: Set up CloudWatch alarms and SNS topic in AWS

What is Amazon CloudWatch?

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows users to collect and track metrics, collect and monitor log files, and set alarms for resources and applications running on AWS. CloudWatch can be used to gain insights into system-wide performance, resource utilization, and application health.

For example, if your EC2 instance is running low on storage space, CloudWatch will alert you so you can take action and free up space. It’s like your personal trainer reminding you to drink water and eat healthy snacks to avoid feeling bloated.

Overall, CloudWatch helps you optimize your AWS resources and keep them in top shape, just like how a personal trainer helps you optimize your fitness routine and keep your body in top shape.

Read more about cloudwatch from the official documentation here

What is Amazon SNS?

Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) is a fully-managed messaging service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables users to send and receive messages from various sources, including applications, microservices, and other AWS services.

SNS allows developers to send messages (push notifications, SMS, and email) to multiple subscribers or endpoints simultaneously, using a publish-subscribe model.

Let’s say you’re the captain of a pirate ship, and you need to alert all your crew members when you spot a treasure chest. Instead of running around the ship yelling “Treasure ahead!”, you can use Amazon SNS to send a single message that reaches everyone’s phones, tablets, and laptops at once.

SNS is highly scalable, flexible, and secure, and integrates easily with other AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, and Amazon EC2.